Come away to the magnificent wilderness of the national parks.

Come away through short, focused meditations and marvelous images of 32 national parks to leverage your power to imagine, innovate, and unleash your potential as an individual, professional, or business.

In this introduction to the series, you will be guided through the author’s unique S.A.G.E. model designed to shift your perspective and reveal a stunning new world of potential. Dr. Murfield integrates four critical elements.

S - Spiritual (Leveraging your power to BE your unique, best self)

A - Academic (Leveraging your power to LEARN what is needed)

G - Generative (Leveraging your power to DO what is needed at the appropriate time)

E - Evolutionary (Leveraging your power to BECOME by continually innovating.)

By weaving his love of nature, executive coaching skills, unique insight into the power of language, spiritual sensitivity, and practical application, he guides you to

  • observations,
  • insights, and
  • breakthroughs

Join the journey to reveal the awe and wonder of your future majesty.

Pivot your potential to sense and seize your ultimate potential.

Come away so you can return to do what you never imagined and become the person you always desired.

What makes you uniquely valuable? 

This compelling modern-day parable tells the story of Little Friend, who dared to believe beyond his doubts and overcome the limitations voiced by others.

You, too, have a prize inside.

  • One that will unlock your potential.
  • One that will empower you to do what others never thought possible.
  • One that will surprise even you.
  • One that will help you stand out from the crowd. 
  • One that will help improve the world around you. 

Does that seem hopelessly out of reach?

Let Dr. Murfield walk you through your doubt to discovery. Let him guide you through identifying, valuing, owning, sharing, and celebrating your prize inside. Once you can celebrate your prize inside, you can help others find their prize inside and celebrate together.

Turbulent Serenity is the introductory volume of this four-volume, 52-week intensive spiritual development program designed to help you unleash your ultimate spiritual life.

You will be challenged to go deeper, beyond the frustrations of life, to sense and seize your opportunities to develop the ultimate relationship with God, yourself, and others.

This compelling first volume establishes the following foundational principles on which the weekly readings and daily challenges are based on the following principles. 

  • The Cult of the Ordinary lures Most People.
  • Life is too Short to Miss, Ignore, or Refuse our Best Opportunities.
  • You have access to God Given Dreams. 
  • You have access to a Formula for Success.
  • You can build great Relationships that foster Spiritual Success.
  • Effective Communication Connects you to Great Opportunities.
  • Listening will help you become a Great Christian Leader

God Provides more Opportunities than We can possibly Imagine! Yet, we often miss the most incredible opportunities because we are distracted, misguided, or overwhelmed by the turbulence of life. In this honest and provocative writing, we are challenged to develop our ultimate relationship with God by reinvigorating our focus, raising our expectations, and reviving our resolve to ultimately hear the highest compliment, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Heavenly Opportunities is the second volume of this four-volume, 52-week intensive spiritual development program designed to help Christians transcend ordinary lives to unleash their ultimate spiritual life.

You will be challenged to go deeper, through the common frustrations of life, to sense and seize your opportunities to develop the ultimate relationship with God. This captivating book challenges you to consider such opportunities as:

  • Sheltering the Storms of Life,
  • Finding Direction Following the Storm,
  • Grieving What was Lost,
  • Discovering New Opportunities,
  • Staying Close to the Guide,
  • Honing your Confidence and
  • Admiring the Sunsets.

This book follows the initial volume, Turbulent Serenity, and sets the stage for developing the ultimate relationship with yourself in God’s Workmanship and with others in Fellow Travelers. 

God’s Workmanship is the third volume of this four-volume, 52-week intensive spiritual development program designed to help Christians transcend ordinary lives. You will appreciate the author’s fresh and honest approach to grappling with one of the most critical barriers to a Christian life, lived more abundantly. You will be challenged to go deeper, through the everyday frustrations of life, to sense and seize your opportunities to develop the ultimate relationship with yourself.

This captivating book challenges you to:

•Separate Perfection and Productivity,

•Ooze and Attitude of Forgiveness,

Understand the Thunderstorms of Life

•Follow God’s Timing,

•Ignore Distractors,

Be Transformed by the Renewal of Your Mind,

Not Be Ashamed,

Say ‘NO’ to the World, and

•Live Your Dream.

This book follows the initial volume, Turbulent Serenity, and sets the stage for developing the ultimate relationship with yourself in God’s Workmanship and with others in Fellow Travelers.

Helping others is the end result of our faith in God. Yet, too often, we are frustrated by or frustrate others. Are we making the right difference? In this honest and provocative writing, we are challenged to develop our ultimate relationship with others to Unleash the Ultimate Spiritual life. We can realize phenomenal results once we are connected to God, love ourselves, and have a healthy relationship with others. Then, we will finally hear and accept the highest compliment, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Fellow Travelers is the final volume of this four-volume, 52-week intensive spiritual development program designed to help Christians transcend ordinary lives. You will appreciate the author’s fresh and honest approach to grappling with one of the most critical barriers to a Christian life, lived more abundantly. You will be challenged to go deeper, through the common frustrations of life, to sense and seize your opportunities to develop the ultimate relationship with others.

This captivating volume challenges you to:

•Affirm yourself and others,

Grant, Ask, and Receive Forgiveness,

•Become a Servant,

•Choose and Work Wisely with Your Teammates, •Minister to the Self-Confident,

•Be Generous with Money, Time, and Attitudes,

•Live Up to What is Already Attained, and

•Help Others Think Deeper.

This book follows the previous volumes, Turbulent Serenity, Heavenly Opportunities and God’s Workmanship.

Unleash Your Ultimate Spiritual Life is a 52-week intensive spiritual development program designed to help you develop your ultimate relationship with God, yourself, and others.

The introductory book, Turbulent Serenity, lays the foundation for the following three books. In the introduction, you will come to appreciate how our ultimate spiritual lives are not smooth sailing but rather where we find our serenity amid turbulence in the world. Before beginning the weekly readings and challenges in the last three books, the introduction addresses essential concepts such as the

  • Process of pursuing the ultimate rather than settling for ordinary,
  • God-given dreams,
  • Purpose,
  • Relationship development,
  • Trust,
  • Communication, and
  • Listening.

The following three books, Heavenly Opportunities, God's Workmanship, and Fellow Travelers, guide yet challenge you to develop your ultimate spiritual relationship with God, yourself, and others. Working through the program in order, you will have a reading to be completed on Sunday. Then, each weekday beginning with Monday and ending on Friday, you will have a short challenge. Saturday is designed as a day of rest, reflection, and a reset to begin the next step in your spiritual development.

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most phenomenal act in human history, revolutionizing the world and transforming a small band of followers into world changers in just 50 days.

The period between Easter and Pentecost was arguably the most important period of the early church as the disciples went from timid to tenacious, from cowering to commanding. Just 50 days later, these forsaken followers became dynamic disciples, preaching to thousands, healing the sick, and transforming the world.

The Resurrection offers us that same opportunity. Resurrection: The Ultimate Opportunity is a 50-day devotional ideally designed to be started on Easter and end on Pentecost (but it can be taken at any time). It is designed to help you make the same phenomenal transformation as those disciples made 2000 years ago, sensing and seizing your opportunity to maximize your opportunities to become a new person and accomplish astonishing deeds. Sense and seize your opportunity to Unleash the Ultimate through the Resurrection.

What does it take to break through in business?

What does it take to quit following and start leading?

What does it take to find your niche and stand out from the crowd?

Pivotal Living and Working details the steps needed to create your breakthrough success. In this relatively quick and easy read, you will find what it takes to pivot your personal life.

Finding your unique value.

Building your foundation for success.

Communicate – Listen – Engaging - Conversations.

Shift Perspectives

And much more.

You will also find what it takes to pivot your working life.

  • Pivotal Leadership.
  • Creating a Paradigm Shift
  • Building a Pivotal Business
  • And much more.

Our current times give us no choice but to become pivotal, continually shifting to find our next great opportunity.

Begin your pivot into your ultimate success by reading this book and adopting the principles.

Everyone facing a challenge asks this same frustrated question, "Now what?"

Instead of feeling frustrated, throwing up your hands, and walking away, you can learn to sense and seize your pivotal opportunities.

Inside, you will learn how to pivot through difficulties by:

  • Looking at the Situation with a New Perspective,
  •  Listening for the Pain, Pleasure & Opportunity,
  •  Smelling the Aroma of Opportunity,
  •  Touching the Idea,
  •  Tasting the Success, and
  •  Developing your Sixth Sense for Detecting the Best Opportunity

This book is for everyone looking to lead themselves and solve a problem. It will be especially beneficial for

  • Employees seeking a promotion or raise,
  • Entrepreneurs searching for new business services and products,
  • Unemployed pursuing their next job,
  • Organizations working through the latest challenge,
  • Retirees in quest of fulfilling ways to follow a successful career.

Why be frustrated? Instead, learn to sense and seize your breakthrough opportunity.


When we stop and think about it, we notice that most people have not changed their thinking patterns since they left college or high school. They have settled into a habit of thinking that is predictable, safe, and comfortable. While that is understandable, it becomes problematic when the world changes rapidly. That creates two problems. First, we become antiquated, and second, we miss the incredible, cutting-edge opportunities. 

Is there any wonder why we struggle?

When we stop and pivot our THINKING, we can REACH HIGHER to do what we once considered IMPOSSIBLE.

The S.A.G.E. thinking process is a multi-layered approach that requires purpose, learning, doing, and becoming. It requires a willingness to challenge the status quo and make the necessary changes. It demands a vulnerability to be wrong and a curiosity to explore. In the end, transforming our thinking will open the door to incredible opportunities to do what we ultimately desire.

Inside you will discover four ways of thinking and how they work together to help you create your pivotal breakthrough.

Spiritual Thinking (tapping your passion and perspective),

Academic Thinking (learning more about a wide variety of topics),

Generative Thinking (doing), and

Evolutionary Thinking. (exploring your potential).

Pivot your thinking today to become the S.A.G.E. in your workplace, community, and world. 

Listening makes the critical difference in building engaged teams working to create disruptive success. While many focus on speaking, wise leaders understand that listening is key to building engaged teams that connect, create, and collaborate to unleash the ultimate performance, production, and profits.

PIVOTAL LISTENING challenges you to build your breakthrough team with Compassion, Strategy, and Power.

In this hands-on, practical book, you will learn how to leverage the:

  • Types of Listening
  • Types of Listeners, and
  • The ASKinG Model of Listening to overcome the Practical Challenges of workplace listening.

You will enjoy how the insightful and humorous book will help you listen strategically to challenging team members.

You will also appreciate learning how to listen collaboratively to supportive team members.

This book is more than just a series of do's and don'ts. It is a challenge to pivot your paradigm to become a great listener.

How can we Pivot from S.T.U.P.I.D. to make S.M.A.R.T. decisions?

You will learn how Stagnant Thinking Undermines Profound Innovative Ultimate Decisions. In an age of rapid and radical change, we cannot afford anything but forward-thinking because clinging to antiquated ideas will result in our demise. Instead, those who re-engineer their thinking to build Sparkling Minds Articulating Revolutionary Transformation will lead innovation.

You will benefit from the case studies examining S.T.U.P.I.D.


Business, and

Personal decisions in all aspects of life.

You will also appreciate the S.M.A.R.T. application with checklists you can use in making decisions in each of the following areas:

  • Intellectual
  • Emotional
  • Moral
  • Willful
  • Government
  • Family
  • Career
  • Spiritual

Don’t be S.T.U.P.I.D. Reading and applying this book is the S.M.A.R.T. thing to do.

Those doing what others consider impossible have learned to listen to those who do not have their best interest at heart. But how do we do that? How do we know who to listen to and who to dismiss? In this book, you will be challenged to Pivot your focus and say, “I Don't Care,” to those critics and distractors who seek to take you away from your ultimate opportunity.

You will learn to pivot and develop your ability to

  • Fine-Tune Your Focus
  • Identify and Ignore What Ultimately Doesn’t Matter
  • Prioritize Your Attention
  • Identify the Distractors
  • Identify their Persuasion Strategies
  • Resist those Attempts
  • Silence the Critics

You will appreciate the checklists for each chapter that help you quickly apply what you have learned.

You will love this book if you are tired of listening to the critics.

Welcome to a story about a man with a great idea that he was sure would make him 1 million dollars. This compelling modern-day parable tells how he ALMOST made his big payday. Despite his lofty vision, intense desire, and wise strategy, he struggled unsuccessfully against an internal enemy that he refused to acknowledge.

We all know that our internal enemy is Procrastination. We have all procrastinated at some point, whether

  • simply waiting a few minutes until we feel like doing the task,
  • purposely distracting ourselves from doing what we dread or
  • being paralyzed in fear of reaching for a lofty dream.

In this parable, you will identify with the main character and the situations he puts himself in.

You will laugh at the silly things we all do and say.

You might even cringe as he does what you have done.

But in the end, you will enjoy the promise and the potential of pivoting through this procrastination to your breakthrough success.

Don't procrastinate; start reading this book today. 

Get in. Buckle up. Hang On. This book will take you to the ultimate. This book details transforming an ordinary business into a cutting-edge, disruptive industry leader.

Don't settle for being an underpowered and soon-to-be forgettable business. Instead, tap into your ultimate power to become the ultimate Corvette business. While learning about your business, you will learn how the ultimate American sports car was almost doomed by ordinary thinking. Following Chevrolet's progression in continually pivoting to develop the Corvette into a world-class sportscar, you will run through the 8 gears.

1. Determine Your Destination.

2. Know Your Purpose.

3. Secure the Right Equipment (Build your Team).

4. Develop the Best Processes.

5. Use the Ultimate Fuel (Energy).

6. Do the Maintenance.

7. Become an Ultimate Leader

8. Learn to Disrupt the Market.

You will appreciate the challenges and checklists for each gear. This book will help you think bigger, reach higher, and do what the critics claim is impossible.

Don’t settle for ordinary results. Unleash your ultimate business today.

The challenge for modern leaders is not simply to pivot through Tough Times but to become PIVOTAL, continually shifting to sense and seize the next, great opportunities. We must learn to be proactive in our approach to change.

In this book, you will be challenged to apply 21 principles that pivotal leaders have used to find their next, great opportunity. A few of the principles are learning how to

  • Track the Trends and Forecast the Opportunities
  • Find Your Unique Values as a Leader
  • Engage Your Team
  • Foster an Innovative Culture
  • Break the Rules
  • Overcome Fear
  • Break Through
  • Think Even Bigger
  • Make Disruption a Habit, a
  • nd much more.

How do you Make More Money in Tough Times?

You make a pivotal paradigm shift to do what you never imagined possible.

Many think it is impossible to make money when everyone else seems to be struggling. But in this book, you will find how small, medium, and large businesses have challenged themselves to pivot by asking one simple but powerful question:

“How can I help you?”

This may sound like a simple change but is a critical paradigm shift from the "rape, pillage, and plunder" approach of the self-centered and antiquated "Manifest Destiny" paradigm so popular a century ago. By pivoting your goals, attitude, skills, and knowledge, you will engage the  "Golden Rule" paradigm that drives nimble, disruptive innovators in connection, collaboration, and creation.

This book works in any for-profit or not-for-profit organization. Inside you will appreciate the application and checklists for:

  • Corporate Leaders
  • Small Business Owners
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Virtual Workplace Managers
  • Employees
  • Private Citizens

The challenge of our age is to look beyond hoarding to leveraging power.

PIVOTAL POWER: Leveraging Your Energy, Authority, Influence, and Ability to Do the Impossible

Those doing what others consider impossible have learned to tap the power of their team, collaborating and communicating to innovate, solving important problems that improve our world. In this book, you will be challenged to Pivot your understanding and approach to power to engage, inspire, and ultimately gain the influence you desire.

You will reexamine your understanding of concepts you have taken for granted. From that pivot, you will learn how to leverage your

  • Energy
  • Authority
  • Influence
  • Ability

Then, you will learn how to leverage your team’s energy, authority, influence, and ability to do what they never thought possible.

Can Compassion Improve the Bottom Line?

Absolutely!!! Being compassionate is the most profitable way to do business. While many believe the opposite, companies generate their best Return On Investment when they help employees cope during traumatic times outside the workplace. This book is written as a resource manual and a strategic tool for Human Resource professionals, Managers, and Executives. Case studies from diverse situations, industries, and locations illustrate how employers help employees in all eight aspects of their personal lives, ultimately enhancing their bottom line. Companies report improved morale, loyalty, and production with reduced turnover and absenteeism.

Within these pages, you will learn how companies helped employees cope during:

  • Natural Disasters
  • Terrorism
  • Terminal and Extended Illnesses
  • Extended Medical Leave
  • Suicide

Adopt Compassion as your best business strategy and practice to enjoy your ultimate performance, production, and profits. 

Pivotal Engagement reveals the secret to the future of work, leadership, and innovation. By leading with the power of compassion, leaders will engage employees to create an innovative culture, unleashing the ultimate performance, production, and profits. Where once they sought to control, now leaders have the potential to create a cutting-edge culture by engaging their teams.

Inside, you will discover checklists and the:

  • Urgency and Challenges of Disruption,
  • Need,
  • Challenges, and
  • Disruptive Role of Compassion in Business,
  • Four Components of Power in Leading Engaged Teams, and
  • How to Apply Compassion to the Strategic, Operational, and Tactical levels of the Organization.

You will appreciate the practical checklists throughout the book that you can apply directly to your leadership situation.

The series, Pivotal Conversations with My Future Self, is written to challenge you to do what you never thought possible. The intent is to provoke you to purposely leave your emotionally secure thinking patterns and daily activities to welcome opportunities to do what others never thought possible. You can turn the world upside down by turning your world right-side up. You can do more than what you have done. You can definitely do more than what others doubt you can do when you identify, value, own, share, and celebrate your prize inside.

Other books have been written about going back and having a conversation with yourself at age 18. Unfortunately, we cannot rewind time but we can look ahead. Imagine a conversation with your future self, someone who knows you best, has made your mistakes and enjoyed your victories. Imagine that older, wiser person sharing what you need to know now and in the future. Imagine how much more you could do.

Book One focuses on the first step, finding your prize inside, that which makes you uniquely valuable. Most people go through life doing what they think they need to do. They do their jobs but never fully appreciate what makes them uniquely valuable to their family, employer, or community. Many think their prize is their natural talent, but it is more than that, a combination of their talent, purpose, passion, and perspective. Imagine what you could do when you celebrate what makes you uniquely valuable. Imagine what we could do in our communities when we fully appreciate each other’s prize. It all starts when we identify our own prize inside. That’s where the conversation begins in Book One.

This is far more than a self-help book because it is critical for building engaged teams in the workplace. Many are disengaged because they are not engaged in meaningful work that plays to their passions. Imagine the increased performance, productivity, and profits that come from identifying and celebrating each team member’s prize inside.

Personally and professionally, it is time to start the conversation with your future self.

In an American story of increasing importance, Loren Murfield tells his pivotal story of becoming a disruptive leader. From his humble beginnings as a middle child in a big family living near a tiny town in a flyover state, he struggled to find his significance. Like any true story worth reading, this is a story filled with struggle and victory, dreams and frustrations, heroes and villains. Ultimately, he accomplished what no one imagined in those early days.

Rarely does a biography double as a manual for radical change. Pitchfork to Ph.D. is packed with lessons learned from:

  • Shoveling cow manure,
  • Going through a divorce,
  • Returning to college at age 31,
  • Earning a Ph.D.,
  • Becoming a professor,
  • Losing your dream job,
  • Remodeling a house,
  • Becoming an author, playwright, and movie producer, and
  • Running a marathon.

Join us on the journey. In the process, you may want to tell your story.

COPYRIGHT © 2020. All Rights Reserved. 

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